Friday, July 17, 2009

And Then There Were Ten

Yes, as one very astute crafty friend has noticed, (ahem...Joan) I made it to the Top 10 in the Gallery Idol contest. I saw her comment and had to chuckle. Thank you again to everyone that has supported me thus far! Some of your emails have virtually slapped me with a silly stick and I am so very happy to be advancing. The theme this week is "buttons." I instantly started kicking myself for not ordering at the Papertrey release the other night, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

YEY Lizzie! We know you are awesome!

Melissa said...

Congrats Lizzie, I was so happy to see your name and card in there!

Michelle said...

Congratulations - I saw your card had made the top 10 - - what's not to love about that really cool comfy chair you made??
Are you saying you don't have any Papertrey buttons...or just not the new ones? I can't believe you don't have any of them!
Good luck in the next round!