I decided last summer that I wanted to start doing letterpress prints in addition to the greeting cards and boxed stationery that so many of you have seen at show after show. I promptly got swept up in the bustle that is the fall and winter show seasons and the letterpress prints were relegated to back burner status. This spring I resumed work on the prints, but didn't get my rear into gear until visiting Allison at Igloo Letterpress in Worthington (she's awesome and her shop's amazing). One visit to her shop inspired me to finish what I had been dabbling in here and there for months. I worked on the graphics constantly for the next few weeks and finally sent my artwork to have plates made.
A few days later the plates arrived and I was absolutely giddy (just ask my husband). Then reality set in and after a little trial and quite a lot of error I figured out how to make my temperamental machine create quality prints. I definitely had some low points in there before I got it together. There were smushed images, accidental ink transfer, and a swollen eye (those cleaning chemicals really are eye irritants - I promise), but I finally got everything to work and I couldn't be happier!
The prints are currently for sale at shows (see the sidebar for upcoming events) and at Wholly Craft. I'll have them in the Etsy shop as soon as possible. In the meantime here are a few photos to prove their existence. The Stargazer series is particularly close to my heart (I miss being able to see the stars at night - it's too bright in the city), but each and every one means something special to me.
Ohio Pride
Busy Bee
Perched Cardinal
New Nest
Spring Stargazer
Summer Stargazer
Autumn Stargazer
Winter Stargazer
Thank you for stopping by today and I hope you enjoy the new prints. Take care and have a beautiful weekend!
wow, I love letterpress. so glad to see what you have been up to. these are gorgeous.
Wow those are quite impressive! And you designed these yourself? How awesome and clever you are!
So glad to see a 1 by your blog name on my bookmarks! Your prints are really beautiful--such a clean graphic look. I'm really impressed by what you have come up with, but that's typical for my reactions to your artwork. Thanks for sharing; I'm glad business is going well for you. :) Elena
Wow Lizzie! You really have been busy!! They are all fantastic!
These are great! I realllyyy love the Stargazers though.
These are awesome. I love the busy bee and the cardinal.
Beautiful designs and cards. You are truly talented
Lizzie - these are FABULOUS! I love your style and I love your designs!
Very, very nice work Liz! I especially love the little cardinal - just as Sean promised: so cute!
Because I teach Ohio History, I bought "Ohio Pride" and "Perched Cardinal" for school!
"Ohio Pride" and "Perched Cardinal" are proudly displayed on my Ohio History bulletin board!
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