
Friday, February 10, 2017

Celebrating The Past, Present, and Future: Design Team Introductions

Good morning! We're doing something a little different this month in the lead-up to the Papertrey Ink 10th Anniversary festivities. Today, Nichole is introducing the Design Team for the upcoming year.

Lizzie Jones Headshot 2017

I'm thrilled to be returning both as a Design Team member and illustrator for this year. I truly appreciate Nichole, Julie, and Jane for giving me the opportunity to keep working with their fantastic company. They have built something very special and I am so grateful to be included.

My colleagues are funny, incredible, creative people that keep me on my artistic toes (in the best way). And I don't have to tell you all how inspiring they are. Month after month, these ladies find a way to knock our socks off with their imaginations.

The folks at the warehouse deserve our profound thanks, too. They work hard to make sure that our stamps, dies, and cardstock get to us quickly and safely. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is thankful for their valuable contributions.

So to celebrate the kick off of the 10th Anniversary the Design Team, old and new, are sharing a favorite card they've made with Papertrey products. I chose this one:

Lizzie Jones Favorite 2017

Here's the original post so you can read all about it. I love the bright colors, the theme, and the texture. I'm a sucker for texture either visual or tactile. Also, who doesn't love a bit of baker's twine?

I also thought it might be fun to share a few silly, random facts about me for those of you who may not know me well. Here are ten fun facts in honor of Papertrey's ten amazing years.

1. I'm a lefty, but I can't use left-handed scissors.

2. I got married at 19 and have been happily wed ever since. My husband, Sean, is adorable. We met at a punk rock show the last day of Junior year (high school) and have been together ever since.

3. I have huge feet - size 11. I have to shop in the men's department sometimes. My hiking and cycling shoes are both men's sizes.

4. My husband and I have traveled to three countries outside of the United States. We've been to Canada, Scotland, and Italy. I can't wait to plan our next international trip!

5. I'm a strict vegetarian and I love to cook.

6. My husband and I collect fine art. Our prized piece is from an artist named Aminah Robinson. Her work is awe-inspiring and we feel so lucky to be stewards of her legacy.

7. I really enjoy mystery novels though I don't have as much time to read as I'd like. Even better if there are animal sleuths involved. I'm a sucker for a cat detective. I'm also a dork.

8. I have a 100-year-old Chandler & Price printing press in my basement. It still works!

9. I've worked on both a commercial organic farm and in a commercial kitchen.

10. I built our dining room table. It's seven feet long and four feet wide and seats eight comfortably. We host a "round robin" style dinner group with friends once a week, so it gets plenty of use.

There you have it! A few fun facts about little ol' me. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to check out my Instagram. It's mostly pictures of the cat (my dear, sweet Gus), but there are other snippets of life in there, too. I hope you have fun celebrating Papertrey's past, present, and future with us over the next several days. I'll see you again soon!


  1. Fun to learn more about you, Lizzie!
    Looking forward to seeing what you &
    PTI have in store for us in 2017!

  2. Lizzie, you are a rock star!!! You built your dining table?! That is so beyond awesome. I loved learning more about you. Looking forward to seeing what's up your sleeve this year. :)

  3. Can't wait to see your inspiration over the next 12 months!
    And now you have to share a picture of the Lizzie-built dining room table -- I'm sure it's gorgeous!

  4. Lizzie, please share a picture of your dining room table. I'm sure it is filled with incredible memories.
    PS - I liked my first cat IG photo of yours today.

  5. When seeing your list, I realized we have several things in common: Both married at age 19, both left handed but can't use left handed scissors, both love mystery novels (especially with cats) and of course, both love card making. Glad to see you on the designer's list for the year. Congratulations! - Diane from Minnesota

  6. Lizzie, I am so happy you are continuing on with PTI. I love your projects and product designs, but especially love your blog posts. They always bring a smile to my face. You also do an awesome job editing the PTI newsletter. Here's to another great year!

  7. Lizzie, I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about you. Your new picture is awesome. WTG with your exercise regime. Congrats on another year with PTI! I love your style, blog posts and monthly newsletters. The sketches and color inspiration cards are truly a bonus. Rock on!

  8. That was fun to learn more about you! I would love to see pics of your dining room table! Love your crisp clean style of stamping.

  9. You gals and guys want some more fun facts????

    11. She's been driving the same car since 2004, a gold Hyundai Accent, with a stylish spoiler.

    12. She was the Unsinkable Molly Brown in grade school.

  10. I'm so glad you are continuing with the Design Team. I'm also a lefty, but I've never used left handed scissors.. I think it would be odd for me at this point lol. (So we're in our right minds : D).

  11. ...and she bakes from scratch and is one awesome daughter-in-law:-)
