
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Introducing Confetti Toss

Good morning, friends! Welcome to Day 1 of the Papertrey Ink November new release countdown. I am so excited to share my new Confetti Toss collection with you today! This set has been a long time coming. It's been designed for just shy of two years, so I am particularly pumped about finally getting to share! How about we get on to some projects?

Let's start with a more masculine birthday card. After years of forcing rhinestones and bows on everyone I know, I tend to have no concept of gender propriety. So I asked Sean if confetti can be gender neutral. His response was simple and decisive. "Sure. They shoot off confetti at ticker tape parades and the end of major sporting events, don't they?" Such a wise man, that husband of mine. So if veterans and athletes can get down with confetti, so can regular dudes, right?

Birthday Wishes Card

Anyway, I began this card by die cutting a Tipped Tops panel from Tropical Teal cardstock. I cut the Birthday Trio shape from the panel and heat embossed the "wishes" sentiment from Wet Paint Holiday.

Birthday Wishes Close Up

Then, I used Vintage Jadeite, Aqua Mist, and Tropical Teal inks to create a confetti pattern on a white card base. I started with the lighter colors and added the open circles and stars with the darker ink. I added Glossy Accents to some of the mid-size dots for a little texture and then, once they had dried, attached the sentiment panel with foam tape. Easy peasy! The clusters made this design nice and quick.

Next up I have a more feminine design that I created with the new Confetti Toss Patterned Paper Collection. Not a fan of stamping your own confetti? These papers do the heavy lifting for you in four patterns and three color variations! A very special forum friend recently requested that we consider using purple in our future patterned papers. I may not be nearly as fond of purple as Pat, but I always aim to please. I chose to use today's pattern in her honor.

Confetti Text Block Birthday Card

This card came together in a snap. I simply die cut three of the Text Block: Birthday shape from Winter Wisteria cardstock and layered them together for some depth. Then, I glittered the Winter Wisteria dots with Sugar Cube glitter and then covered the dots with Glossy Accents to seal in the glitter and give a bit of dimension.

Confetti Text Block Birthday Close Up

I adhered the patterned piece to a Winter Wisteria card base and tied a white crochet thread bow around the card front. I attached the Text Block to a piece of Linen Vellum and adhered it to the front of the card. See? A snap!

My third and final card of the day pairs the new Cover Plate: Sunflower with Confetti Toss for a fun alternative to coloring or paper piecing.

Sunflower Birthday Card

I began by lightly impressing the Cover Plate into my card base to serve as a guideline for my stamping. Then I masked off the different parts of the flower I wanted to "color" and stamped with a variety of ink colors to give the flower interest. I used sponging on the center of the flower (the Dark Chocolate area) to make sure the color would show though the small holes sufficiently, but everything else was stamped with the confetti dots.

Sunflower Birthday Close Up

Then, I die cut a Cover Plate: Sunflower shape from white cardstock (definitely going to want to bust out your metal shims for this one, folks) and adhered it to the card front with 1/8" ScorTape. Next, I die cut a Sketched Shapes banner from Canyon Clay cardstock and heat embossed the sentiment (also from Confetti Toss) with white detail powder. I adhered the banner in place with foam tape to give it a little height.

And there you have it! Thank you so much for joining me today. I can't wait to come back tomorrow to share more of Confetti Toss with you. In the meantime, make sure to pop in and check out all the inspiration that Nichole, Betsy, Dawn, Heather, and Erin have to share with you. See you soon!

Birthday Wishes Card
Stamps: Confetti Toss (available November 15th), Wet Paint Holiday - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Tropical Teal - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Vintage Jadeite, Aqua Mist, Tropical Teal - Papertrey Ink; VersaMark - Tsukineko
Other: Birthday Trio Die Collection - Papertrey Ink; Foam Tape - Scotch; Glossy Accents - Ranger; White Embossing Powder - Filigree

Confetti Text Block Birthday Card
Cardstock: Confetti Toss Patterned Paper Collection (available November 15th), Winter Wisteria, Linen Vellum - Papertrey Ink
Other: Text Block: Birthday - Papertrey Ink; Sugar Cube Glitter - Martha Stewart Crafts; Glossy Accents - Ranger; Xyron; Glue Pen; White Crochet Thread

Sunflower Birthday Card
Stamps: Confetti Toss (available November 15th) - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Canyon Clay - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Lemon Tart, Harvest Gold, Summer Sunrise, Canyon Clay, Spring Moss, Simply Chartreuse, Ripe Avocado, Dark Chocolate - Papertrey Ink; VersaMark - Papertrey Ink
Other: Cover Plate: Sunflower (available November 15th), Sketched Shapes Die - Papertrey Ink; White Embossing Powder - Filigree; Foam Tape - Scotch; ScorTape


  1. Your Confetti Toss stamps are as wonderful as they looked like from the sneak peaks. This is SO going to liberate getting that look, and what you did with the sunflower die, just knocks my socks off. I'm already hooked and ready to purchase, and look forward to the other samples that are sure to be coming.

  2. Loving your art with the sunflower die and confetti coloring!!! Awesome look Lizzie!

  3. I was wishing for a stamp like this and now I can own it. Never would have thought to us it as a way to color the sunflower but your card is inspiring!

  4. You had me at confetti & can't wait to make them my own!!

  5. So versatile and inspirational creations! Love how beautifully you used the confetti art in all your creations, love them all!

  6. WooHoo! I love your purple card used with text block! But did you really need to make it so cute? HA!

  7. I just love what you've created with the Confetti Toss stamps. Too cool!

  8. Always love your work, but the last card is pure brilliance!

  9. Love the playfulness of the confetti toss. Fabulous idea to use it behind the sunflower.

  10. What a great way to showcase your new Confetti Toss, Lizzie! All three cards are beautifully done and great ones to CASE.

  11. That confetti looks like so much fun! Love the projects : D

  12. I especially love the purple card. Love purple and your new creation looks great behind the die cut center sentiment. Congrats on getting this out after a long haul. It's a background stamp I can imaging using in so many different ways on my cards and other art. Thank you.

  13. holy cow I love all of these! And especially how you showed a masculine card first!

  14. Love the Confetti Toss stamps! The men's card is awesome & a welcome inspiration. My favorite has to be the Sunflower card, tho. It is awesome!!!!

  15. Who doesn't like confetti?! Sunflowers are a favorite!

  16. Hi Lizzie,

    Confetti.....YUMMY!!!! Your cards are AWESOME!!!!

    Maria Alba

  17. The confetti dots are going to be a nice addition for many cards. I especially like your idea of adding a glitter glue and glossy accents to the dots for added appeal.

  18. The confetti dots are awesome. They are a must have for sure!
    Beautiful cards.

  19. I already loved the Confetti Toss stamps. But the way you used it with the Cover Plate Sunflower is really innovative! Excellent idea. :-)

  20. Love that Confetti Toss stamps - really awesome!
