
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Text Block: Christmas - Day 5

Good morning, everyone, and welcome back for Day 5 of the Papertrey Ink new release countdown! I have one last project to share today featuring the Text Block: Christmas Die (available September 15th). There are few things that scream "Christmas" to me more than evergreens and snow, so today I put together a shaker card incorporating those elements. Let's get to it!

I began by stamping the snow background onto Aqua Mist cardstock. I followed up with the tree from O Tannenbaum. The snowbanks were die cut, inked along the top edge, and textured (to look like drifts) before being embellished with glitter and adhered to the card base. I created the shaker with clear cardstock, a Spring Moss die cut, and narrow foam tape strips. I filled it with the same chunky glitter I used for the snowbanks. I added a small, red rhinestone to the star topper on the tree as a final touch.

That's all for me for this countdown. Thank you so much for joining me this week. And thank you for your understanding regarding my brevity this month. Again, if you have any questions about this (or any other) post, just ask in the comments and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Don't forget to check in with the other ladies today and tomorrow for even more inspiration using this month's new releases. NicholeAshleyBetsyDanielleDawnErinHeatherLauraLaurieMaile, and Melissa are all sharing their beautiful projects with you. Have a great day and I'll see you again soon!

Stamps: O Tannenbaum (available September 15th), Snowfall - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Aqua Mist, Spring Moss, Clear - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Ripe Avocado, Pure Poppy, Dark Chocolate, Fresh Snow, Aqua Mist - Papertrey Ink
Other: Text Block: Christmas (available September 15th), In The Meadow Die Collection - Papertrey Ink; Coarse Crystal Glitter - Martha Stewart Crafts; Foam Tape - Scotch; Red Rhinestone - Mark Richards


  1. I love all the samples you have made with your new die this week, but LOVE this one!

  2. Love all of your ideas. Thank you for sharing.

  3. So pretty. I love your snowy hills.

  4. Beautiful die, beautiful card. Loved all of your projects this week. Best of luck with your move and settling into your new place.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! This doe is going FLY out of the shop - I hope I manage to get one ;oP

  6. Beautiful card. Love the text block

  7. Love how you created a scene behind the die.

  8. Lizzie, what a beautiful cards - all week! Text Block: Christmas has such pretty fonts.

  9. What did you use to texture the snow banks?

    1. That's the Woodgrain Impression Plate, Kim. Thanks for asking!

  10. Really like the texture on the snow banks-TFS

  11. Love this card!!!! As others have ask what did you use for texture of the snow? it texture paste that is used for stenciling? Thanks for an answer.

  12. How pretty!!! Your design team cards are so beautiful! What a talented group!
