
Friday, November 22, 2019

Festive Friday - Gable Box & Tag Team Tag Ensemble

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Happy Festive Friday! I have a very fun project to share today pairing the very cute Tag Team kit from my friend Heather and Taylored Expressions along with an adorable new stencil and a favorite older packaging die I designed a few years ago. Let's get to it!


I loved the Modern Holly Layered Stencil from the moment I saw it, so when I saw that Heather also had a tag kit coming out I knew it was time to place an order! It looks like Heather's kit might be sold out (yay, Heather!), but you could still get a similar look (if not the same silly sentiments) with something you happen to have on hand.


I used the stencil to decorate a gable box that I cut from white cardstock. I'm totally smitten with that pattern, aren't you?! Then, I cut tags from Cherry Kisses and Leafy cardstocks and stamped them with greetings from Heather's set. I made the tags double-sided with one side being white and the other being colorful for a nice contrast.


Heather's kit came with candy cane striped twine, but it wasn't exactly the right tone of red to go with the Cherry Kisses, so I used some red and green twines I happened to have on hand. I also discovered while playing around with the gable box that it's the perfect size for the round Heirloom Ornaments I designed last year, too, so now I have another option for gifting those. Bonus!


I hope you've enjoyed today's project! Have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you all again next week for another Festive Friday!

Gable Box & Tag Team Tag Ensemble


  1. LOVE the stencil you used on the gable box and those tags work perfectly with it too! Cute, cute, CUTE!! :0)

  2. Hi Lizzie! I actually remembered Festive Friday, dropped by yesterday but before leaving a comment, I had to rush out the door to an appt. Using the stencil for the gable box is a genius idea and with the colors & pattern- it turned out perfect! Super project! THANK YOU for sharing! 😊
