
Monday, September 30, 2019

Creating The Magic Of Christmas Eve with The Greetery

Good morning, friends, and welcome to the kickoff day for The Greetery's holiday release countdown (all of the new products will be available on The Greetery's website on Friday, October 4th at 10am)!


The next few days are packed with gorgeous new products that make creating for the holidays an absolute joy. Truly. Some of these new goodies are going to be staples in my collection for a very long time. Let's get to it!

I generally like to try and keep my holiday cards on the simple side. I'm often rushing and sending a ton, so simpler designs work better for me on a number of levels. This card is no exception.


I used the new Fir & Foliage 2 set for the evergreens and the new Tree Trimmings set to add gold embossed garland.


The delicate and subtle snowflake pattern along the top edge is thanks to the new Frosty Flakes Stencil. I am totally in love with how that stencil transformed the white space on this card without making it busy or overly fussy.


Now, I may like simple design at the holidays, but I am also a proud glitter monster this time of year. Glitter all the things! These snow banks, created with the new Drifting Die, are just the tip of my glitter iceberg, people. They are sparkly, sugar-coated goodness and I'm not the least bit sorry about it. I do try and minimize transfer for my recipients by adding a layer of Xyron adhesive before die cutting and then burnishing the glitter once it's applied.

Next up, I have a card that might look a tad on the plain side until you realize it's also a shaker! I love incorporating interactive elements when I can, so this was a really fun card to create.


I used the Christmas Eve set for this card. This set includes the charming multi-step church you've probably already peeked elsewhere, but I wanted to use some of these smaller elements to create a sweet little woodland scene.


I used another of the Drifting Die shapes to create a ground (and a place for my snowflake confetti to hide). The lacy snowflake decorations in the corners of my frames are the new Frosty Corners Die. I used the same die to create the aforementioned confetti from regular white cardstock.


The Knit Wits stencil from the last release came in handy to add some texture to my frame and I used a bit of Cararra Marble glitter and a glue pen to embellish the snowflakes (because glitter). Isn't it a dreamy scene?

There you have today's introductions, friends! See anything that really speaks to you? I'm telling you, run, don't walk to get those Drifting Dies. Seriously. I'm going to have a hard time putting those bad boys down.

Thank you so much for joining me today! I hope you'll come back tomorrow to see what I have up my sleeve for Day 2 of the countdown. In the meantime these lovely ladies have more inspiration to share:

I'll see you tomorrow! Have a great day!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Card

Merry Christmas Shaker Card


  1. Both of your cards are beautiful. I love the look of the first with the dark green trees on the white background. The gold embossing just takes it to another level.
    The shaker is also very fun and I really like how you stenciled the frame.

  2. Lovely cards and great use of the drifting die.

  3. Great cards! The family walking in the snowy woodlands is so sweet & of course I love the glittery snow drifts in your first card.

  4. I always love your card ideas, thanks for your inspiration!

  5. You have truly created some magical card with Betsy's beautiful stamp sets.

  6. Love the gorgeous Christmas tree!

  7. Great cards. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Your cards are so clean and simple and elegant

  9. So many beautiful projects! Loving everything so far!

  10. There is nothing simple about your gorgeous cards! The shaker card is so extra special! Love these!!

  11. Ooh! I love the simplicity of your first card! And you're right, that stencil detail at the top is just lovely!

  12. It's nice to have examples that are quick to make when there is a need for mass production

  13. Beautiful cards! I'm in love with your first card and the clean look.

  14. Clever use of the Knit Wits on your frame to give it a little extra zip. Lovely card.

  15. Gorgeous cards! Love the trees, they are so beautiful!

  16. I love your cards Lizzie! I think the decorated tree card is my favorite. Although I live in Southern California, I think I need to get the drifting snow dies. I’m a fan of glitter too, it really adds to the card.

  17. Glittery snowbanks? Strolling through the trees? Love it all and your shaker card is so sweet!

  18. Your snow scenes are lovely. Love your glitter snowbanks.

  19. Love those trees. I also love the snowbank, and the way you combined them was so pretty.

  20. I love the clean and simple designs...especially for mass producing holiday cards. The shaker card is so fun and I love the subtle snowflake stenciling in the background!

  21. Your cards so so elegant. I love the simple and classy look of the first and the bold frame on the second!

  22. Beautiful, simple cards. Great job!

  23. Loving the clean and simple look of your first card, although there is probably nothing simple about it! Easy choice to use Betsy's product though!!

  24. Your trees with the gold garland take my breath away!!! Makes me ready to put my tree up!!!

  25. Just beautiful, Lizzie! I have always loved your work.

  26. Fantastic holiday creations using awesome products!!

  27. Oh! Such a great start to the week... and I hear you about simple(r) cards for the holidays. I love how you tucked the snowflake die cuts under your red frame - such a pretty shaker!

  28. Breathtaking cards! Love them all.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  29. Both cards are absolutely GORGEOUS Lizzie! Your tree card with the very light stenciling up at the top is SOOOOOO gosh darn, LOVE it! And your red framed card is just as lovely! Thanks so much for such beautiful inspiration!! :0)

  30. Beautiful cards, Lizzie! I love the little family under the banner and the Knit Wits stenciled frame.

  31. All the cards are so amazingly beautiful! I am so inspired.

  32. Pretty cards! I love that clean elegant look of those Christmas trees with the gold it is stunning. Thanks for sh6

  33. Beautiful cards with beautiful new products from The Greetery! I always love seeing your creativity. : )

  34. Utterly beautiful. Both cards evoke a peaceful feeling. Thanks for sharing

  35. True are one of my favorite designers and I love the cards.

  36. Snowflakes are one of my holiday favorites! You’ve done a beautiful job of showing Betsy’s snowflakes off. Thank you. ;)

  37. Beautiful cards, Lizzie - love your use of Betsy's new products this month.

  38. I am crushing on the snow drifts, trees, well...everything!
    Thank you!

  39. I LOVE the framed snow scene using the smaller elements!

  40. I couldn’t agree more when it comes to mass producing my Christmas cards. Every year, I make 3 different designs and try my best for simplicity. I almost said I wasn’t going to craft most of my cards this year, but you have given me a renewed spirit. I LOVE your cards! Your trees are gorgeous and your Christmas scene is so original, with beautiful details added. I’m such a fan of your style! 😊❤️

  41. Two beautiful cards. I especially love the subtle snowflake sky. Those stencils are a must have.

  42. Lizzie, girl, these are so beautiful!!

  43. What pretty cards! Love what you did with these supplies.

  44. Very classy, as usual. Delightful.

  45. I'm loving how so very different everyone is using these sets. I'm soooo loving the nostalgic feel! Terri Burson

  46. Beautiful the framed scene with the banner!

  47. I love your cards! And those trees are my favorite! So pretty!

  48. The woodland scene is beautiful. Shaker cards are a favorite of mine.
    Carol b

  49. I'm like you, Lizzie - love the simple card that can be mass-produced with relative ease. That first card speaks my love language. But, like you - I love the glitter and so your shaker card makes me really smile, too!!!

  50. I can truly feel your joy in both cards, Lizzie! So much festive inspiration here today! The Fir & Foliage stamps and dies, Drifting dies, and Frosty Flakes stencils are already tugging on my heartstrings! 💗

  51. Love your decked out trees!! Very pretty Lizzie

  52. I agree. Every Christmas card should have some glitter somewhere somehow! These cards are great.

  53. Beautiful! I love the cool crisp feel of the tree card!

  54. Beautiful RED framing and I LOVE the trees!

  55. Love how you trimmed the trees and let the snowflakes fall!

  56. Betsy is amazing and I love your creations!!’

  57. Love both cards... I'm running out of things to say.... The release and these samples are just beautiful!!

  58. Love your cards - this is going to be such a great release

  59. Hi Lizzie!! Love your beautiful cards.

  60. I love your clean and simple card -- very elegant! And the snow in the shaker card gives a great effect -- love this release!

  61. Super card! Love that red frame around the snowy scene!

  62. So great to see your take on these amazing stamps, dies and stencils. I'm in love.

  63. Love the shaker card - it’s so fun and festive.

  64. can't wait for tomorrow. These are beautiful!

  65. Beautiful cards! Love the idea of adding glitter...I always forget to do that. Such great products being showcased today.

  66. Beautiful projects! I love that the trees can be left plain or garland can be added.

  67. Very beautiful, love the use of the stencil on the first card.

  68. I know what you mean Lizzie. Those drifting dies are at the top of my list. Of course everything else featured in today's post is right up there too. Love both of your projects.

  69. Your cards are beautiful. I love these new products

  70. So beautiful, Lizzie, and I love your shaker card.

  71. Love your use of the snow drifts. Beautiful!

  72. Your cards are darling. So cheery!

  73. Stunning trees! It's a winner for me!

  74. Your cards may have a simple design, but they are stunning and elegant! Thank you for the inspiration!

  75. Glitter snow drifts! drool. I enjoy seeing what you created with these fun products!

  76. Love the touch of knit pattern on the red frame, just that little extra something! - Diane from Minnesota

  77. These cards did need the glitter, love it as Well!

  78. Wonderful cards! The first is my favorite, so CAS and perfect!

  79. Oh Lizzie, your cards are simply beautiful!

  80. Pretty cards! Lovely Christmas designing!

  81. Love your cards, Lizzie! I love the sweet,subtle stenciling at the top of your first card, and the surprise of the "hidden snowflakes" on your framed card. Very cute!

  82. I'm with you on simple cards and these are great for inspiration.

  83. These are beautiful! Love the snowy scene!

  84. Lizzie, you nailed it with your beautiful woodsy scene and then your darling shaker card. So happy to see you creating, especially helping dear Betsy promote her awesome products! 😊

  85. Beautiful cards! LOVE those decorated trees!

  86. I LOVE the scenes that you have created here, Lizzie! Beautiful job!

  87. Both cards are lovely! I love the green trees with the gold, so pretty. I also love the pop of red and the fact it is a shaker so cool.

  88. I Love glitter-y snow too! And you're right about keeping it simple when making large numbers of cards. Simple and sparkle-y is perfect!

  89. So beautiful....I love everything!

  90. I'm SO WITH YOU LIZZIE, on those Drifting Dies! LOL I think they're GREAT! I can see they'll be a HUGE HIT! ;)<3 AND I'M SO GLAD that Betsy has started her Christmas Release this early, because THEN she can get them back in again, in-case they run out! LOL Your cards are BEAUTIFUL, Lizzie! LOVE the scenes you've created! LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! ;)<3

  91. Beautiful cards Liz, I know we are all so excited to play with these new sets. Thanks for the inspiration!

  92. Marisela Delgado said: Great cards.

  93. I love your glitter additions!

  94. Such a pretty scene with the snowflakes across the top and the family.

  95. Lovely designs, Lizzie - these sets give us everything we need to create beautiful cards!

  96. Beautiful cards Lizzie. I agree that these stamp sets are going to become staples in the collection.
    Thank you for sharing your talents.
    T x

  97. Beautiful cards; love the red frame, but the trees are especially lovely!

  98. Lovely cards Lizzie! I love the snow drift die and how you used it with the little family. The must be looking for the perfect Christmas tree. Wonderful inspiration!

  99. Simply gorgeous cards, Lizzie! Love the new products from The Greetery!!

  100. Such pretty cards! I especially like how you used the frame on that second card with the snowflake dies peaking out from behind. I love all those layers.

  101. Lovely cards!! Love the shaker card!!

  102. Lovely cards .. this is going to be a great release!

  103. Pretty scene cards, that Merry Christmas banner looks awesome with your softly ink blended/stenciled backgrounds.

  104. Beautifully elegant and classy cards. I would love to receive one of these in the post. It would be treasured.

    Jackie C

  105. I like how you decorated the trees on the first and that the second is a shaker.

  106. Love all the details of your shaker card!!

  107. Your cards are fabulous, as usual!! I don't think I will be able to choose between all the amazing products!!

  108. Beautiful projects! I love your style! I'm in love with that Drifting die also!
