
Monday, April 13, 2015

Moments Inked: Party Planning


Good morning, All! It's my week to share how I've been using my Papertrey Ink Moments Inked planner lately. This planner and the accessories came in super handy while putting together my niece's recent first birthday bash. I wanted to make sure it was extra special (you only get to celebrate your first birthday once, after all), so I used a few of the Moments Inked stamp sets and dies to create lists that were both functional as well as cute enough to add to a scrapbook now that the party has come and gone.

I began by creating daily task lists for the days leading up to the party. This allowed me to break down the workload into manageable chunks, so I never felt too overwhelmed.

I used the Moments Inked: Divided die to cut the pages from Fresh Snow Linen Cardstock and then trimmed two of the rounded bits from each page to achieve the small tabs. I embellished each tab with a circle cut from one of April's colors that was stamped with the first letter of the days of the week.

I used the new Pencilgrams mini set (available April 15th) for the letters. Another handy thing about having lists like this available is that when someone asks you how they can help, you just direct them to the list! No more fumbling for an's all right there in black and white.

The next page is a decorative way to break up the lists a little bit. It's one of those piece that could easily be removed and used in a scrapbook with just a quick trim.

I simply die cut the largest Basic Page shape from polka dot vellum and added a Text Block: Let's Party die on top. We used a good bit of pink in the decor, so this will blend in perfectly with the photos from the big day.

I found these next lists essential for keeping track of important details in the days leading up to the party.

I used the Moments Inked: Tabbed List Die to create a series of stair step lists. In order to get them layered like this, I simply trimmed off the bottom two, four, and six holes on the bottom three pages. I also needed to trim ever so slightly up by the tab, but it was a minimal adjustment and well worth the effort.

I decorated the "Guest List" page with the streamers from Birthday style.

The "Shopping" page was perfect for any non-food items I needed to pick up. I just added to the list as things occurred to me. I decorated this one with a balloon from Balloon Bash.

The "Menu" page gave me a place to write everything down which triggered the items that I needed to put on the grocery list. I thought this cupcake from Blue Skies was the perfect embellishment.

The "Groceries" list seemed to keep growing and growing! The candles from Wishes Come True added just enough whimsy to this page.

I also inserted the party invitation into my planner with help from the new Moments Inked: Edged Die (available April 15th).  It was a breeze to die cut that edge and pop the invitation in there with everything else.

I think all the planning paid off. Look at that happy, little (sugar-covered) face!

So there you have it! In the past when I've organized similar events I've had everything written out on little scraps of paper that inevitably get lost right when I need them most. The planner and the coordinating dies and stamps made it easy for me to keep everything in one place...and it's cute to boot!

Thank you so much for joining me today! I'm sure you have plenty of countdown to check out, so I won't keep you. Have a wonderful week!

Daily Tasks Tabbed Lists
Stamps: Moments Inked: Listed, Pencilgrams (available April 15th) - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Fresh Snow Linen, Sweet Blush, Melon Berry, Canyon Clay - Papertrey Ink
Ink: Terra Cotta Tile, Melon Berry, Canyon Clay, Smokey Shadow - Papertrey Ink
Dies: Moments Inked: Divided - Papertrey Ink

Vellum Divider Page
Cardstock: Sheer Basics Patterned Vellum, Sweet Blush - Papertrey Ink
Dies: Moments Inked: Basic Page Die, Text Block: Let's Party Die - Papertrey Ink

Party Details Tabbed Lists
Stamps: Moments Inked: Listed, Birthday Style, Balloon Bash, Blue Skies, Wishes Come True - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Fresh Snow Linen,
Adhesive Sheets - Papertrey Ink
Ink: Sweet Blush, Canyon Clay, Melon Berry, Smokey Shadow - Papertrey Ink
Dies: Moments Inked: Tabbed List Die - Papertrey Ink

Invitation Page
Dies: Moments Inked: Edged Die (available April 15th) - Papertrey Ink


  1. Love how tiu made all those lists!! So cute and such fun ideas!

  2. I love the stair step lists, Lizzie!

  3. Very clever party planning! I have a graduation party coming up and I will be using this system for sure. I'd better get busy making those lists!

  4. Wonderful system for party lists! Love how you decorated them!

  5. Looks like a great party and a fun way to get organized for it!

  6. Great post Lizzie! Love how organized that planner helps you stay for any event! Colorful and fun too! (I got hungry just looking at your menu! :) Your niece is adorable!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Some fabulous ideas in there and such a cutie!! Thanks for sharing all that!!

  9. Love the days of the week lists, the stair stepped lists, and the all the festive stamps. Thanks for sharing these practical and cute ideas for organizing.

  10. Lizzy is the some place I can find a list of colors used in the moments inked planner?

  11. the stairstep lists - the way you used the Divided die...those are SO incredibly helpful for me as I plan this wedding reception!! Great tips, Lizzie!

  12. What a wonderful post Lizzie!! This planner is so pretty. I would like to use such a planner for my birthday party planning that I want to throw at one of the local party places Miami. It will help in organizing any kind of event!
