
Friday, December 13, 2013

Propose A Toast - Day 4

Welcome back for Day 4 of this month's Papertrey Ink countdown! I am so happy to hear how excited you all are for Propose A Toast and the rest of the December release. There are some super-useful and versatile goodies heading your way! I have two more cards to share with you today. Let's get to them, shall we?

Today I wanted to show that you aren't limited to using the sentiments in Propose A Toast with the champagne flute image. These sentiments work well independently and they coordinate wonderfully with supplies you may already have on hand.

I began my first card by curving my decorative bubble strip to look like half of a heart. I stamped it in Sweet Blush onto white cardstock and then reshaped my bubbles to finish the heart shape. Next, I tied a knot around that panel.

Then, I die cut a Loop De Loop border from Sweet Blush cardstock that I had sprayed with Pearl Glimmer Mist. I attached that to the back of the bubble heart panel and mounted that whole piece to a white card base with foam adhesive.

I stamped and gold embossed my sentiment onto a white die cut circle and embellished it with the tiny hearts image in Sweet Blush ink. That was mounted atop the ribbon and bubble heart with foam adhesive.

For my second card, I chose to pair one of the wedding sentiments from Propose A Toast with the Man & Wife Die Collection.

I began by spritzing a Spring Rain card base with Pearl Glimmer Mist. Then I die cut a window using the Boutique Borders: Christmas die and textured it with the Linen & Canvas Impression Plate. I stamped the border and my sentiment onto a white panel inside my card so that they would be centered in the die cut window.

Next, I die cut and assembled my married couple using Soft Stone, White Shimmer, and Enchanted Evening cardstocks. I mounted my people to my card base using foam adhesive and embellished the frame surrounding my sentiment with a small pearl.

Well, that's all for me today. Thank you for joining me! Today is a group post day, so you're sure to find lots of inspiration at the hands of Nichole, Ashley, Betsy, Cristina, Danielle, Dawn, Erin, Heather, Laura, Maile, and Melissa. Lexi and Melissa also have more to show you with their new sets, so don't forget to check in with them. Thank you again for visiting and I'll see you back again tomorrow!

Hearts Know Happiness Card
Stamps: Propose A Toast (available December 15th) - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Sweet Blush - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Sweet Blush - Papertrey Ink; VersaMark - Tsukineko
Other: Loop De Loop Border Die - Papertrey Ink; Gold Detail Embossing Powder - Filigree; Pearl Glimmer Mist - Tattered Angels; Foam Adhesive - Scotch; striped ribbon

For Better Or Worse Card
Stamps: Propose A Toast (available December 15th), Boutique Borders: Christmas - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Spring Rain, Soft Stone, Shimmer White, Enchanted Evening - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Spring Rain, Enchanted Evening - Papertrey Ink
Other: Linen & Canvas Impression Plate, Boutique Borders: Christmas Die, Man & Wife Die Collection - Papertrey Ink; Pearl Glimmer Mist - Tattered Angels; Self-adhesive Pearl - Mark Richards; Pearlescent Paint (on flowers) - Scribbles; Foam Adhesive - Scotch


  1. Just loved both the cards. They are beautiful.

  2. Sure hope I may be in need of a wedding card:-)

  3. Very clever, Lizzie! Your new Propose A Toast set is more versatile than I first anticipated. Great job!
