
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Introducing Fancy Footwork

Welcome to Day 1 of this month's Papertrey Ink countdown! This month I have a set to introduce called Fancy Footwork (releasing on November 15th at 10pm. This $15 set includes dance step diagrams of the tango and the foxtrot along with a handful of coordinating sentiments. The irony here, friends, is that I can barely walk a straight line let alone dance, so I suppose I'll keep my toes twinkling on cardstock rather than in reality. No one likes a tango-related injury. How about we get on to a couple of projects, hmmm?

My first card is a lovey dovey number.

I paired Fancy Footwork with the Man & Wife Die Collection. I love this product combo, by the way. They work together so perfectly.

I began by die cutting my people (Soft Stone, Spring Rain, white) along with the photo frame (white) and clouds (White Shimmer). Then I stamped my dance diagrams onto Spring Rain cardstock with Versamark ink and gave them a dusting of Perfect Pearls to make everything shimmery. The effect is beautiful, but totally impossible to photograph well. Please use your imaginations.

Next, I stamped my sentiment onto the photo frame shape and assembled my people and clouds. I adhered the focal point to the card front with foam tape. By anchoring the people at their heads and feet it allows them to almost float there in the frame opening and reinforces the idea that they're dancing on air. I am in love with how this one turned out.

My next card is on the more playful side. I chose to use a color combo that was just a little bit retro in nature, so the card feels a bit like a sock hop or something.

I began by stamping my dance pattern using the male and female foxtrot images with Pure Poppy and Hawaiian Shores inks. I rotated the steps randomly, so it wouldn't look too repetitive even though I was using the same stamps over and over again. I adhered that panel to a Soft Stone card base.

Next, I die cut the label shape from Aqua Mist and stamped it with my sentiment before adhering it to the card front. I finished the whole thing off with a bit of Pure Poppy saddle stitched ribbon and some crochet thread. Simple, but gender neutral for just about anybody.

Alrighty, friends. That's all for me today. Check back tomorrow for even more fun with Fancy Footwork. Don't forget to check in with Nichole, Betsy, Cristina, Dawn, Heather, Melissa, and Melissa for more projects featuring this month's releases. Enjoy and I'll see you tomorrow!

Dancing Couple Card
Stamps: Fancy Footwork (available November 15th) - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Spring Rain, Shimmer White, Soft Stone - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: gray pigment - Studio G; VersaMark - Tsukineko
Other: Man & Wife Die Collection, Fabulous Frames Die Collection, Cloud 1 & 2 Die Collection - Papertrey Ink; Perfect Pearls - Ranger; Foam Tape - Scotch

Sock Hop Card
Stamps: Fancy Footwork (available November 15th) - Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: Soft Stone, Aqua Mist - Papertrey Ink; white
Ink: Pure Poppy, Hawaiian Shores, True Black - Papertrey Ink
Other: Fabulous Frames Die Collection, Pure Poppy Saddle Stitched Ribbon - Papertrey Ink; white crochet thread


  1. This set looks so cute Lizzie! Love your cards!!

  2. I love this set Lizzie, I am a dancer and the bits that I have seen say it all. Fab cards!

  3. Both cards are gorgeous! The 1st card is really amazing. Love them dancing on clouds.

  4. I love the color combo! Red and anything together is my favorite! This set is a cute one!

  5. Love the colors you used for your sock hop card. Beautiful!

  6. Fabulous cards, really love the "man and wife" card :)

  7. A great look to this stamp. Love the m/w thing with the clouds. So different!

  8. great set Lizzie!!

    both cards are adorable

  9. From the peeks I've seen, I think this is going to be my favorite PTI set ever! You did a great job with this one!
