
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Holiday Trunk Show

Hello, all! I know it's been a little quiet around here lately. I'm sorry about the silence. It's been a full month with my nose firmly at the grindstone. In addition to other things, here's one of the reasons I've been absent:

That's right, I've been preparing for a holiday trunk show (some of those photos look a little familiar, no?)! The event is this weekend, and I've been plugging away creating brand new cards, packaging, and home decor (among other things) for the last several weeks. So if you happen to be in the area and have a little free time on Saturday evening I would love to see you! It's being hosted by my good friend Olivera at her shop, Wholly Craft. If you're a local and you've never visited you're totally missing out. The store is home to handmade goods from around 200 different artists heralding from Central Ohio and beyond. It's a really fun place to shop, so I hope folks will stop by and check it out (even if you can't get there for the show this weekend). Alrighty, I have to get back to it now, but thank you for stopping by (I promise I'll share a new project soon - I have plenty of them)!


  1. Good luck! I'm sure you'll sell a ton!! Wish I were closer and I would stop by!

  2. Liz has some awesome items:-) Too numerous to mention. Trust me!!!
