
Monday, October 24, 2011

2012 Calendars Now Available

Hello Blogland! I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but it's not for lack of productivity. Most of what I've been doing lately is graphic design oriented rather than greeting card driven. I typically only post the card making projects here, but I thought I'd share this year's calendars since they've been such a big reason for my absence. It's also the first time I've branched out and done a wall calendar, so I am excited to share that as well.

First up is the desktop version.

I decided to go simple with this year's desktop calendar since I was committed to doing a wall calendar, too. Each month has the same swag of banners with different colors. I've used this motif on other projects in the past and it just felt like a fun direction for the calendar.

These are HERE in my Etsy shop, at Celebrate Local (at Easton Town Center), or you can find me at shows in and around Columbus. They'll be at Wholly Craft in the next couple of weeks, too.

And here is the wall calendar!

I illustrated a different object or scene from nature for each month. The finished size is 6" x 9" so it's small enough that it won't take up an overwhelming amount of space, but it still packs a colorful punch with each page being a full-color illustration. I also decided to invest in a binding tool because the only color my local office supply stores would use was black. So they're all me from the design and printing through to the binding. I'm really not sure which month is my favorite. How about you?

These are also available in my Etsy shop HERE and the same stocking information applies.

Thank you for stopping by today and taking a peek at how I've been keeping myself occupied. I really hope to be making cards again in the near future. In fact, I think tomorrow is Papertrey's blog hop, so maybe I'll get a project together and participate. Fingers crossed! Either way, have a great afternoon and I'll see you again soon!

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