
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Manly Birthday

I don't know about you, but I have trouble with masculine cards. They always turn out a little girly or unsatisfying in one way or another. When I saw the Card Positioning Systems sketch this week I thought it might lend itself to a manly card (what with the straight lines and quadrants and all). A special Mister in our lives has a birthday coming up soon and I figured I could give this sketch the ol' college try just for him.

I started by finding a patterned paper that had some strong colors and no flowers. Generally I would go for plaid for a masculine card, but I didn't like any of my plaid paper's flip sides. I found this paisley and didn't think it screamed "Hey Lady!" so I thought I'd give it a shot. I cut my quadrants (two A side, two B side) and adhered them to a piece of white cardstock. I set that aside for a moment.

I took a look in my chipboard collection (which somehow became expansive when I wasn't paying attention) and chose this brackety/labely thing from Basic Grey. I covered it in some random burgundy paper and used it to frame a birthday sentiment from Birthday Basics.

I took some Ripe Avocado twill and wrapped it around my original layer before attaching my brackety/labely thing with white brads. I mounted that entire layer to a blue base and considered it a success. Hope you enjoyed it. Have a good one!

Cardstock: Blue - Bazzill, White linen - Archivers, burgundy - unknown
Patterned Paper: Mini Gazebo Paisley (front & back) - Chatterbox
Stamps: Birthday Basics - Papertrey Ink
Ink: Bamboo - Versacolor
Embellishments: Chipboard Frame - Basic Grey; White Mini Brads - American Crafts
Ribbon: Ripe Avocado Twill - Papertrey Ink


  1. Really nice, clean card, love it!!

  2. Such a clean and graphic it! Great job with CPS 105...thanks for playing this week!


  3. What that CPS sketch works perfectly for a masculine card! Great job.

  4. Very clean lines, perfect for a masculine card. I find masculine cards to be very challenging for me as well.

  5. I looks great! Can I order one? How much, sista?

  6. *It* looks great - that's what I meant. I mean, *I* look great, too, but I really was talking about the card ;)

  7. This is great! I sooo struggle with masculine knocked it out of the park :)

  8. I love this card. Great colors.

  9. The recipient of this card thought it was great!
